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PREVENT PCP focuses on augmenting the security in public transport and public areas in the vicinity through innovative procurement of technology solutions that will allow timely automatic detection of potentially dangerous unattended items, identification and tracking of perpetrators, and advanced crisis management system.

The developed prototypes will be tested in a real life operational environment in 4 pilots in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy.

PREVENT PCP builds on the outcomes of commonly agreed scenarios, covering the critical security issues down to a detailed identification of the complete set of innovation needs, both at process and technology levels defined in PREVENT CSA.

This focus is shared by 22 organisations from 8 EU countries, public transport operators, security forces, public buyers, and 11 of which are public buyers. The consortium is also supported by the User Observatory Group (UOG) composed of practitioners from public transport operators, law enforcement authorities, security forces, and public buyers.

PREVENT PCP is based on the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). This is an approach for Public Buyers to acquire research and development services (and under certain conditions related R&D results), that involves competitive development in phases, risk-benefit sharing under market conditions, and where there is a clear separation between the PCP and the deployment of commercial volumes of end products. The purpose of PCP is to steer the development of new innovations towards the needs of the public buyers.

A PCP is used when the Public Buyer’s needs cannot be solved by commercial off the shelf or near-to-the-market products and therefore a new R&D is needed to develop and test new solutions to address the procurement need. This instrument enables the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of alternative solution approaches.

We would like to invite you to the project website and its profiles on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101020374

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Copyright © 2023 Safe-cities


(Risk-Based Approach for the Protection of Public Spaces in European Cities)
SAFE-CITIES has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101073945

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